#To objectively evaluate NPS-HomPPI, user may specify a list of protein chains that cannot be used by NPS-HomPPI in predictions. #Such protein chains are often highly similar to the query proteins. # #User may list the PDB ID and chain IDs of such proteins with following format: # #For qry A, # A => A1,A2,A3 # #Then NPS-HomPPI will not use A1, A2, and A3 when making predictions for query A. # #Note: #1. A has to be the same ID that is used in the uploaded sequence file. #2. A1, A2, A3 have to be writen as "pdbID_chainID", for example, '1AY7_A'. #3. A1, A2, A3 have to be separated by comma. 1auiA => 1aui_A,2p6b_C 1efvA => 1efv_A 1go4G => 1go4_G,1go4_E,1go4_F,1go4_H 1clvI => 1clv_I,2ix5_B,2ix5_A,2ix5_C,2ix5_D,1tjr_B,1tjr_A,1rd5_B,1rd5_A,3hzh_A