This is Penn State


  • The application coverage of DockRank is increased by including the predicted interfaces from PS-HomPPI in Safe Zone, Twilight Zone and Dark Zone.
  • User can now give different weight for the predicted interfaces from different zones.
  • A bug is fixed. The bug: When no interface prediction can be made, no result email is sent to the user.
  • The protein database is now updated to the version of PDB in Aug 2011.
  • A bug is fixed. The bug: When the format of the input PDB files is not correct, no notification email is sent to the user.
  • The protein database is now updated to the version of PDB in Sep 2012.
  • A bug is fixed. The bug: DockRank server was pointed to an unexisting folder.
  • A bug is fixed. The bug: DockRank server treated the zip file as one of the uploaded PDB files.